
Slang words

Hello learners!

Understanding Brits is not a cup of tea, is it? Yeah, British seem to speak another language. They use a hugh variety of quirky phrases that sometimes have a entirely different meaning to what it is imagined. Have you ever struggled with them?

Here you can find a few of these British terms. Let´s get started!


Yeah. It's writen as a word -not all right-. It is used as an informal greeting, especially by Londoners. You can respond this expression by saying either alright? or alright.
Alright? Alright.


This term refers to a best friend. -Who's your bestie?
Alright, bestie.


Without any doubt this slang is going to be one of your favourites because not only it is something we say when lifting up our glasses just before drinking champagne or other alcohol beverage, but also the most common informal expression to mean 'thank you' for small things -like when somenone passes you the sugar-. Additionally, British people use this one instead of 'bye' with friends and family members.
Cheers bestie.
Cheers then. See you.


Is it the first time you heard it, isn't it? -It's one of my fave.slang- This informal expression means 'bye', too.
Cheerio! I'll see you on Sunday.


I'm sure you will be chuffed when you realise that you can come to grips with -to begin to understand- the British language. It is a slang for thrilled to bits, extremely pleased, etc.
I was chuffed to bits to see my bestie last weekend.


Have you ever got the lurgy? -I have.- In the British lingo, this slang word refers to a mild illness or desease such as a cold or a mild flu.
I've been feeling under the weather. I think I'm getting the dreadly lurgy (=the flu).


Brits use this one a lot. Mate is the most common informal way to say friend in the UK.
Cheers, mate.


This term is becoming old-fashioned, It means a long time.
We haven't seen each other for yonks.

I challenge you to use these slang words. Do you accept the challenge?

I hope everyone has enjoyed this lesson. Tell me in the 💬 which of all of these slang words is you fave one.

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Take care❗


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